Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Documentation of how we have worked these past months

Each lesson, we've devided ourselves into smaller groups and focused on different parts of the project. For example, two students could work with the newspaper article, while two other students worked on the script for the film that we made.

During this whole time, Aidan guided us and corrected our english, so that we would learn how a "real" englishman would pronance a certain word, or how to build our sentences while talking.

In the start of each lesson, we had a "meeting", to discuss what each group had done, and what the groups where supposed to do next. This was also a chance to ask the other students for help, and to discuss problems that accured during the process.

After three months of fun, but also hard work, we've done a film, a newspaper article, "teacherprofiles", a script and hand-in-homework.

This experience has been a really fun learning process. Now our aspirations are, that future students also will take part of this educational project.

                                                                                                          / "Aidans Group", class 9A

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